The manbat mission is a perfect example: chase, capture, use injector. It seems the devs answer to a fast mission is to force you to repeat it two or three times.

The repetitive missions are the last big problems. These tank missions become boring, annoying and very repetitive quite fast, and overstay their welcome. Seriously, the last time I experienced a car that slides around that much, I had a plane of ice underneath a couple inches of snow. Enjoy parkour with a bat-tank! Or you would, as it handles like a drunk ice-skater. In the past, WB provided us reviewers (yes, I was one) with PC version, weeks before release! Second, the devs seem to be ecstatic on the idea of a bat-tank, to the point that they tried cramming it into every possible mission, and quite a few others as well. There is no denying WB knew about the sorry state of the port, as they increased the official system requirements just hours before release, and did not provide reviewers with a PC code, only a PS4 devkit code.

Three main issues: First, major performance (and minor quality reduction compared to consoles) problems, which is not the state the game Three main issues: First, major performance (and minor quality reduction compared to consoles) problems, which is not the state the game should have been released at.