Liara Shadow Broker Oufit Alternative (Collectors Edition).ģ. If you want to use nude body for her, copy "meshes" folder from "Nude Body" folder of the mod archive, to your "Data" folder of the gameĢ. Censored body (Body with underwear) is installed by default. Nude body using Type 6 Default made by by Necroscope. New Game is NOT REQUIRED, but console commands (Such as "Showracemenu") wont do any good for your character statsīase body using Type6M + Underwear made by Izumiko. Start a new game, choose Female - Liara T'Soni, DONT CHANGE SKIN TONE and you ready to play. This mod allows you to play as charming Asari named Liara T'Soni from Mass Effect Universe! She has her own head model, face animation, body model based on Type 6 body replacer and several armors. You'll also need to fire up New Vegas through Steam or GOG the regular way once for xNVSE's loader to work.Pip-Boy Readius - Highly recommended. I recommend making a shortcut of this file and putting it on your desktop. NOTE: For xNVSE to take effect, you'll need to launch New Vegas with the nvse_loader.exe file that comes with this mod. The download page has installation instructions.

This mod extends the scripting capabilities of the vanilla game, which is necessary for making many popular mods work. Next up, you'll want the newest version of the New Vegas Script Extender, or xNVSE. If desired, you can override LOOT's optimization to make manual tweaks to your load order yourself (this shouldn't be necessary for the mods in this list). This program automatically reorganizes your load order to make it as stable as possible. A great tool to pair with your mod manager is the Load Order Optimization Tool, or LOOT. This will allow New Vegas to read and accept any texture mods you install (we'll get to those later). Then go to Settings > Workarounds > BSA Redirection and toggle it. After installing it, log in, and select New Vegas as the game you're modding.

I highly recommend Vortex since it has a great UI and is very easy to use.

These tools automatically handle most mods' installation, so you don't have to dig around in-game files - simply drag-and-drop compressed mod files, and the mod manager will do the rest. The first thing you need is a Nexus Mods account, the website where most mods are posted.